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  1. you, how to Ubuntu with GUI on Rackspace Cloud Server as VNC Remote Desktop. (Please read more: Ubuntu with GUI on Rackspace Cloud Server as VNC Remote Desktop)

  2. Try to find the owner. :] If you don’t get a reward from the owner God will be smiling down at you and you will have that feel good feeling that can’t be beat by anything.

  3. Full of salient points. Don’t stop believing or writing!

  4. Seems to me, regarding the “who created God question”, that it is moot at a fundamental level. Space and Time are given existence at the point of the Big Bang. Time and thus causation itself are phenomena given existence by God. The God Theory requires no God Creator as there is no time elapsing and thus no causation that generates His being. God is an infinite. God just is.

  5. cuido dit :C’est de la pêche ça? j’en suis pas sur. Je ne trouve pas ça très sportif. J’apparenterais plutôt ça à du ramassage… Je vois pas trop l’intérêt.

  6. kardeşlerim sizde biliyorsunuz ki sigara saglıya zararlı dinimizcede haramdır sıgara içmek öldürdüğü gibi ahiret hayatımızıda riske atıyor lütfen bırakmasanızda şuan yakmayın bır dakkıka sıgara içmemek bile kardır allah aşkına bırakın şu iletii